wpf - Oxyplot IsAxisVisible RectangleBarSeries -

wpf - Oxyplot IsAxisVisible RectangleBarSeries -

i creating rectanglebarseries plot oxyplot. need datetimeaxis not visible using

isaxisvisible = false.

the way know how create rectanglebarseries plot using model property. when model property used overridess properties , collections. means setting isaxisvisible = false not doing anything. there other way create rectanglebarseries plot without using model property can create axis invisible?

below current code using not create axis invisible.

<oxy:plot width="600" height="200" margin="0" model="{binding userplotmodel}"> <oxy:plot.axes> <oxy:datetimeaxis position="bottom" stringformat="hh:mm:ss" isaxisvisible="false" maximum="{binding plottimemax}" minimum="{binding plottimemin}"/> <oxy:linearaxis position="left" isaxisvisible="false"/> </oxy:plot.axes> </oxy:plot>

i believe want this

public static void sethiddenaxis(plotmodel yourplotmodel) { var leftaxis = new linearaxis(); leftaxis.position = axisposition.left; leftaxis.isaxisvisible = false; yourplotmodel.axes.add(leftaxis); }

wpf oxyplot


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