ios - Localization ios7 without change device's language -

ios - Localization ios7 without change device's language -

i know how create application - developed in xcode - multilingual. read lot of tutorials localization don't want users go through settings->general->international->language in order alter application's language. instead, want application appear on settings , there have alternative alter language (only application's language). found app can't find tutorial.

any tutorials or hinds name of way of localization helpful in order proceed app.


i found can done via custom settings bundle. want utilize localization storyboard.

i created settings bundle don't know how proceed.


i used code on appdelegate.m file , works on mobile device. changes interface of mobile application based on settings bundle. 1. mobile application crashes on simulator , 2. code when open app, press middle button of device, go settings , alter language, go app app restarts! how can solve issues?

- (void)applicationdidbecomeactive:(uiapplication *)application { [[nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults] synchronize]; nsarray* applelanguages = [[nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults] arrayforkey:@"applelanguages"]; nsstring* currentlanguage = [[nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults] stringforkey:@"language"]; if ([applelanguages[0] rangeofstring:currentlanguage].location != 0) { [[nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults] setobject:@[currentlanguage] forkey:@"applelanguages"]; [[nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults] synchronize]; exit(0); }


i ran across same issue client had : alter setting according parameter, without having restart app, , without changing device's name. decided create own localization class constraints:

compatibility device language : can utilize device language or custom language utilisation of localizable.strings -> no need duplicate localisation file ability alter setting entire app when changing parameter : labels within app must localized when app language setting changed. post notification when language changed, , uiviewcontroller suscribe notification , configure labels according selected labels. you can save language farther launches of application simple nsuserdefaults parameter.

you can find here : . feedback appreciated, , i'm willing help if needed.

ios localization multilingual


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