.net - FTPS upload with user isolation -

.net - FTPS upload with user isolation -

i have setup ftps user isolation in iis 7. trying upload files via ftpwebrequest in .net specific user's directory. assumed if used credentials user1 connect, automatically place file in user1's folder. problem files set web root, rather folder contextual user.

i have ftp site web root well, understand why doing that. web site ftp running on port 21, user isolated ftp site on port 990 (implicit tls). how can upload files straight user's folder? using path doesn't work ([ipaddress]/user1), nor can add together port uri. ([ipaddress]:990)

i able resolve using alexftps:

essentially, class library allows specify ftp connection should utilize implicit tls, thereby using port 990 default. otherwise not specified in .net (as part of hostname example). allowed me upload file specific users directory based on credentials passed in. works if have standard ftp site on port 21.

for basic code...

alexftpsinstance.connect(["ftphost"], new networkcredential(["ftpusername"],["ftppassword"]), esslsupportmode.credentialsrequired | esslsupportmode.datachannelrequested | esslsupportmode.implicit);

client.putfile(["localfiledirectory/localfilename"], ["serverfiledirectory/serverfilename"]);

alexftps can obtained here - https://ftps.codeplex.com/

.net ftpwebrequest ftps


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