ios - UIView transition animation -

ios - UIView transition animation -

viewb , viewc subviews of viewa. viewb on top of viewc. bring viewc on top flipping animation shown in diagram. utilize uiview class method (void)transitionfromview:(uiview *)fromview toview:(uiview *)toview duration:(nstimeinterval)duration options:(uiviewanimationoptions)options completion:(void (^)(bool finished))completion. however, viewa gets flipped along viewb not desired behavior. desired behavior viewb flip on , viewc on top. thought how accomplish desired behavior?

try :

-(void)filpanimation { viewobjb.alpha=1.0; viewobjb.hidden=no; [uiview transitionwithview:viewobjb duration:1.5 options:uiviewanimationoptiontransitionflipfromright animations:^{ viewobjb.hidden=yes; viewobjb.alpha=0.0; } completion:nil]; viewobjc.alpha=0.0; viewobjc.hidden=yes; [uiview transitionwithview:viewobjc duration:1.5 options:uiviewanimationoptiontransitionflipfromleft animations:^{ viewobjc.hidden=no; viewobjc.alpha=1.0; } completion:nil]; }

ios objective-c animation uiview


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