system.reactive - RX - Notifications at a specified rate -

system.reactive - RX - Notifications at a specified rate -

i'm newbie rx , i'm facing problem "shaping notifications traffic".

i wonder how can notify observers given throughput; is, "onnext" method called not before given amount of time elapsed since lastly "onnext" invocation.

for sake of completeness: want every element in sequence notified.

for example, 0.2 symbols/tick:

tick: 0 10 20 30 |---------|---------|---------| producer: a---b------c--d-----e-------f result: b c d e f 0 5 11 16 21 28

is there way compose observable or have implement own subject?

thanks lot

yeah turn each value async process not finish until delay has elapsed , concatenate them.

var delay = observable.empty<t>().delay(timespan.fromseconds(2)); var ratelimited = source .select(item => observable.return(item).concat(delay)) .concat();



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