javascript - Fullcalendar secting span returns one extra datedays -

javascript - Fullcalendar secting span returns one extra datedays -

i'm working on backbone project utilize fullcalendar. used fc v.1 when changed fc v2 select method returns span of 2 days when clicking in day td.

$("#calendar").fullcalendar({ header: { left: 'prev,next, today', center: 'title', right: 'month,agendaweek,agendaday', ignoretimezone: false }, select:,// launch click select selectable: true, selecthelper: true, editable: true, aspectratio: 2.5, height: 600, weeknumbers: true })

the simplified involved code in select function is:

select: function (startdate, enddate, allday) { console.log("start date:"+ startdate.format()); console.log("end date:"+ enddate.format()); }

so on clicking in 1 day's td returns

start date:2014-06-26- end date:2014-06-27

what suppose returns same start , end date. have wrong? ideas?

javascript backbone.js fullcalendar


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