ios 8 Photos framework - replace photos not working -

ios 8 Photos framework - replace photos not working -

i'm playing around new ios 8 photos framework, trying edit existing photo in library replacing it's not replaced, if can see success log messages i've set.

here's code :

uiimage *output = [self.imageview.image appenddatewithlabel:label]; self.imageview.image = output; // retrieve uiimagepickercontroller delegate method nsurl *asseturl =[uiimagepickercontrollerreferenceurl]; phfetchresult *result = [phasset fetchassetswithalasseturls:@[asseturl] options:nil]; phasset *asset = result.firstobject; if ([asset canperformeditoperation:phasseteditoperationcontent]) { [asset requestcontenteditinginputwithoptions:nil completionhandler:^(phcontenteditinginput *contenteditinginput, nsdictionary *info) { phcontenteditingoutput *contenteditingoutput = [[phcontenteditingoutput alloc] initwithcontenteditinginput:contenteditinginput]; nsdata *outputdata = uiimagepngrepresentation(output); bool wrote = [outputdata writetourl:contenteditingoutput.renderedcontenturl options:nsdatawritingatomic error:nil]; if (wrote) { [[phphotolibrary sharedphotolibrary] performchanges:^{ phassetchangerequest *request = [phassetchangerequest changerequestforasset:asset]; request.contenteditingoutput = contenteditingoutput; } completionhandler:^(bool success, nserror *error) { // console output : 1 nslog(@"success : %@", @(success)); // console output : nil nslog(@"error : %@", error); }]; } }]; }

instead of replacing, i've tried create modified copy. worked well, see new modified photo in library.

someone faced issue ?

it seems filling adjustementdata property of phcontenteditingoutput object mandatory in order edit photo.

ios photos ios8


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