Read in only the first n lines of a csv file in R -

Read in only the first n lines of a csv file in R -

i want header of csv file in r, not sure best way is.

i thought

read.csv(readlines("file.csv", n=3))

might work, of course of study output of readlines isn't valid connection. thought perhaps there's clever stdin here, can't figure out.

i'm looking improve writing readlines output file , reading in, or manually implementing header parsing read.csv does. (of course of study approaches work seem bit crude; more i'm trying understand how best redirect text connection).

there nrows= argument read.table() passed through.


r> dim(read.csv("/usr/local/lib/r/site-library/fortunes/fortunes/fortunes.csv", + nrows=3, header=true, sep=";")) [1] 3 5 r>

(pardon sep=";" wanted pick file we'd both have ...)

r csv


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