c - Strange CreateFile behaviour -

c - Strange CreateFile behaviour -

strange createfile behaviour. tiring open file

handle hfile = createfile(l"e:\\temp\\1.txt", generic_read, file_share_write, null, open_always, file_attribute_normal, null); if (hfile == invalid_handle_value) { printf("could not createfile\n"); return; }

file opened no error (don't know target file).. reason in directory application running empty file "e"(wiout extention) created during createfile call. wrong here?

get rid of l prefix of filename string. calling narrow version of createfile (createfilea) , passing in wide string.

alternatively, can set vs build app using unicode.

in either case, should utilize _t() macro set appropriate string type. i.e.

handle hfile = createfile(_t("e:\\temp\\1.txt"),

c winapi


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