Deleting directories via gradle FileTree.include -

Deleting directories via gradle FileTree.include -

i want say:

clean.delete(filetree("a") { include "subdir/" include "afile" })

to delete directory "subdir" , file "afile". "subdir" not deleted. list explicitly:


but more repetitious like. can filetree.include made job?

so far have come with:

[ "subdir", "afile", ... ].each { -> clean.delete("a/$it") }

but bit awkward.

i afraid not possible. see discussion on gradle forum. give-and-take lead issue.

a simple test shows

task makedir << { ['a', 'a/subdir'].each { new file(it).mkdirs() } new file('a/afile').createnewfile() def tree = filetree('a') { include 'subdir/' include 'afile' } tree.each {file file -> println file } }

prints file , not directory, directory traversed. solution save chars:

[ "subdir", "afile", ... ].each { clean.delete("a/$it") }

so filetree files in directory tree , not directories.



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