.net - How to pass data through querysting to a web application if it already opened? -

.net - How to pass data through querysting to a web application if it already opened? -

suppose manually launched ie/chrome browser , have logged salesforce. if seek launch/pass info salesforce through .net/vb code (invoking salesforce instance query string), salesforce getting launched in ie/chrome browser. user has 2 instances of salesforce open on machine, confusing.

are there parameters (for eg. ie/chrome browser window name) can utilize identify if salesforce window open on machine?

how facebook or other social media works, suppose i've facebook instance open & shared artical, doesn't open window utilize existing open window.

appreciate help.

the app's living in different worlds. unless saleforce have plug-ins ie or chrome or firefox communicate client side software, there no way directly, may able hack of using findwindow api's etc., you've no reliable way @ all. :-(

.net internet-explorer google-chrome vb6 salesforce


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