windows 8 - Is Internet Explorer 11 supported by Worklight? -

windows 8 - Is Internet Explorer 11 supported by Worklight? -

i working on application windows 8 tablet , leverage features introduced in ie 11.

i using laptop windows 8.1 , ie 11. surprised see when debugging in vs 2013 app running on ie 10 not ie 11.

i tried build project in eclipse setting should utilize external browser adviced in article: no luck :-( still utilize ie10.

is there way debug windows 8 tablet app in vs 2013 using default browser on laptop? ie 11 on windows 8.1 laptop.

thank in advance help!

the alternative tried not related worklight console's mbs, whereas talking visual studio external ide windows store , windows phone 8 app development...

what want set net explorer 11 default browser in windows 8 desktop machine (running visual studio). however, seems not straight forwards visual studio in mix.

here possible solutions:

where visual studio stores default browser utilize in debug? visual studio opens default browser instead of net explorer

perhaps well:

windows-8 worklight internet-explorer-11


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