objective c - Filter arrays with predicate -

objective c - Filter arrays with predicate -

i want filter 2 lists. i'm having list contains many items , list b contains items want track. list must filtered list b.

i tried this:

nsarray * trackings = [[beacondao sharedinstance] loaddata]; nspredicate *filter = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"macaddress in %@", trackings]; nsarray *filteredobjects = [list filteredarrayusingpredicate:filter]; nslog(@"filteredobject count = %d", [filteredobjects count]);

where trackings nsarray custom model wrote property macaddress. filteredobjects 0 wrong.

can help me out?

from description (seeing log of array contents useful) supplying objects match against instead of contained mac addresses. instead, do:

nspredicate *filter = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"macaddress in %@", [trackings valueforkey:@"macaddress"]];

so filtering against addresses (cutting out container objects).

objective-c nspredicate


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