javascript - Lodash forEach Associative Array -

javascript - Lodash forEach Associative Array -

is there foreach loop in lodash associative arrays? function called "foreach", i've found, works indexed arrays. example, if have array myarray values [1, 2, 3], , do

lodash.foreach(myarray, function(index) { console.log(index); });

and run function (in node), expected result:

1 2 3

however, when seek associative array, doesn't work:

lodash = require('lodash'); myarray = []; myarray['valone'] = 1; myarray['valtwo'] = 2; myarray['valthree'] = 3; lodash.foreach(myarray, function(index) { console.log('7'); });

as can see running in node, callback function doesn't fire when includes other array elements. seems skip loop entirely.

first of all, why happen? sec of all, there function included in lodash problem, or, if not, there way utilize foreach function accomplish this, without changing original array in process?

lodash has function forown purpose. in sec array, if do

_.forown(myarray, function(index) { console.log(index); });

you should intended result.

i'm still not sure why foreach seems skip first function, however, believe may have array not having "length". javascript array's length highest numbered index has. example, array myotherarray defined myotherarray[999]="myvalue" have length of 1,000 (because arrays zero-indexed, meaning start @ 0, not 1), if has no other values. means array no numbered indexes, or negative indexes, not have length attribute. lodash must picking on , not giving array length attribute, maintain consistency , performance, not rendering output.

javascript arrays node.js foreach lodash


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