ruby on rails - Validating That A has_many Association Has At Least One Model When Using FactoryGirl -

ruby on rails - Validating That A has_many Association Has At Least One Model When Using FactoryGirl -

putting aside arguments on whether or not should test existence of model's associations, have model called order , validating has @ to the lowest degree 1 item in has_many association using:

class order < activerecord::base has_many :items validates :items, presence: true end

i have set factorygirl lint factories (checking validity). order mill not valid unless create item has_many collection.

my orders mill looks this:

factorygirl.define mill :order ignore items_count 1 end after(:build) |order, evaluator| create_list(:item, evaluator.items_count, order: order) end end end

according mill girl's getting started:

factorygirl.lint builds each mill , subsequently calls #valid? on

however when run specs, mill girl throws factorygirl::invalidfactoryerror because order mill invalid.


after(:build) |order, evaluator| evaluator.items_count.times order.items << factorygirl.create(:item) end #create_list(:item, evaluator.items_count, order: order) end

according definition, phone call .valid? after building. seems phone call before running after(:build) block.

try writing mill this:

factorygirl.define mill :order ignore items_count 1 end items { build_list(:item, items_count) } end end

this should build item before .valid? called.

let me know if works :)

ruby-on-rails ruby rspec factory-girl factory


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