r - Overlay multiple lines from data frame with index column onto existing plot -

r - Overlay multiple lines from data frame with index column onto existing plot -

i have dataframe 3 columns, (id, lat, long), can build little section of next data:

df <- data.frame( id=c(1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3), lat=c(58.12550, 58.17426, 58.46461, 58.45812, 58.45207, 58.44512, 58.43358, 58.42727, 57.77700, 57.76034, 57.73614, 57.72411, 57.70498, 57.68453), long=c(-5.098068, -5.314452, -4.914108, -4.899922, -4.887067, -4.873312, -4.852384, -4.840817, -5.666568, -5.648711, -5.617588, -5.594681, -5.557740, -5.509405))

the id column index column. rows same id number have coordinates single line. in info frame id number varies 1 through 7696. have 7696 lines plot.

each id number relates individual separate line of lat , long coordinates. want overlay onto existing plot of these 7696 individual lines.

with illustration info above contains lat & long coordinates lines 1, 2, 3.

what best way overlay these lines onto existing plot, thinking maybe kind of loop?

using ggplot2:

#dummy info df <- data.frame( id=c(1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3), lat=c(58.12550, 58.17426, 58.46461, 58.45812, 58.45207, 58.44512, 58.43358, 58.42727, 57.77700, 57.76034, 57.73614, 57.72411, 57.70498, 57.68453), long=c(-5.098068, -5.314452, -4.914108, -4.899922, -4.887067, -4.873312, -4.852384, -4.840817, -5.666568, -5.648711, -5.617588, -5.594681, -5.557740, -5.509405)) library(ggplot2) #plot ggplot(data=df,aes(lat,long,colour=as.factor(id))) + geom_line()

using base of operations r:

#plot blank with(df,plot(lat,long,type="n")) #plot lines for(i in unique(df$id)) with(df[ df$id==i,],lines(lat,long,col=i))

r plot


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