javascript - get property values using ngcheck in angularjs -

javascript - get property values using ngcheck in angularjs -

in li, user can select items, , each item has property of url, in end scheme store them.

in case couldn't ng-true-value because checkbox's ng-model has been occupied due other logics.

the demo

i want selected url , alert it.

you need prepare checkbox binding:

<input ng-show="showc || checked" type="checkbox" ng-model="checked">

should be:

<input ng-show="showc || checked" type="checkbox" ng-model="item.checked">

and checked items in getlinks function:

$scope.getlinks = function(){ var urls = ''; angular.foreach($scope.lists, function(item){ if(item.checked === true){ urls += item.url + '\n'; } }); alert("selected links: " + urls); };

javascript angularjs
