how to expand dojo tree expand using recursive function -

how to expand dojo tree expand using recursive function -

hi want expand dojo(1.7) tree programmatically ....

how nth node using recursive function code expand node 3rd level need should open automatically nth node

function expandall(object) { object = object.slice(0,1); nodes = tree.rootnode.getchildren(); (var = 0; < nodes.length; i++) { node = nodes[i]; if (node.isexpandable) { if (node.gettreepath()[1].id == object[1]) { tree._expandnode(node); var childs = node.getchildren(); ( j = 0; j < childs.length; j++) { kid = childs[j]; if (child.gettreepath()[2].id == object[2]) { tree._expandnode(child); console.log("->" + child.gettreepath()[2].name[0]); if (child.isexpandable) { var subchilds = child.getchildren(); ( k = 0; k < subchilds.length; k++) { subchild = subchilds[k]; console.log("-> ->" + subchild.gettreepath()[3].name[0]); } } } } } } }

dojo tree
