ssh - git commiting changes on openshift server -

ssh - git commiting changes on openshift server -

i'm running statamic flat file scheme (database-less) cms on openshift.

the issue i'm having when update content on server (i.e. using cms) changes made flat files (i.e. content) isn't committed git repo. so, when force new changes website local repo, wind writing on each time there's git push. if git pull, nada because remote server doesn't know changes (they haven't been committed yet)

what need able create git commit changes happen on server. sadly, doesn't work. tried ssh in , has no thought there's git repo. build process use.

ideally, i'd find way automatically commit changes on server can pull them downwards without ssh in commit. gets job done huge win @ point.

you need store flat-file databases in ~/app-root/data directory instead of repo directory. repo directory gets removed on each git push. recommendation find out names , locations of flat files are, , symlink directory stores them $openshift_data_dir not affected on git push. can using action hook wordpress cartridge here:

git ssh openshift flat-file statamic


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