c# - Emgu CV stitching two images together of different sizes -

c# - Emgu CV stitching two images together of different sizes -

i have 2 images want stitch together. images 2 different sizes (one main image , other little legend). i'm doing:

[stathread] static void main() { application.enablevisualstyles(); application.setcompatibletextrenderingdefault(false); long matchtime; string modelpath = "c:/emgu/emgucv-windows-universal-cuda images"; using (image<gray, byte> observedimage = new image<gray, byte>("c:/emgu/emgucv-windows-universal-cuda images/fridge4.jpg")) { //returns 2 different sized images image<bgr, byte>[] results = drawmatches.drawallmatches(modelpath, observedimage, out matchtime); imageviewer.show(results[0], string.format("matched using {0} in {1} milliseconds", gpuinvoke.hascuda ? "gpu" : "cpu", matchtime)); imageviewer.show(results[1], "legend"); using (stitcher stitcher = new stitcher(true)) { image<bgr, byte> stictchedresult = stitcher.stitch(results);//exception here! imageviewer.show(stictchedresult, string.format("matched using {0} in {1} milliseconds", gpuinvoke.hascuda ? "gpu" : "cpu", matchtime)); } } }

however, argumentexception @ commented line. when @ view detail section, says {"requires more images"}. there 2 images in results array. there obvious i'm missing? or misusing/misunderstanding stitch class? there's nil in the api see problem.

c# emgucv image-stitching


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