ios - Sprite Kit - Rotate to face the ground -

ios - Sprite Kit - Rotate to face the ground -

i made sprite stand on ground, want sprite rotate face ground, crawling on ground instead.

func setuprunner() { allow runnersize = cgsizemake(15, 40) runner = skshapenode(rectofsize: runnersize) runner.fillcolor = skcolor.blackcolor() = self.rname runner.physicsbody = skphysicsbody(rectangleofsize: runnersize) runner.physicsbody.dynamic = true runner.physicsbody.affectedbygravity = true runner.physicsbody.allowsrotation = false runner.physicsbody.restitution = 0.0 runner.physicsbody.categorybitmask = rcategory runner.physicsbody.contacttestbitmask = groundcategory runner.position = cgpointmake(20, self.frame.height/3) self.addchild(runner) } func crouch() { runner.zrotation = 90 //or -90 }

but create him face either north-east, north-west.

have @ api of sknode. says

zrotation euler rotation z axis (in radians).

this means 360 degrees 2*m_pi , 90 degrees m_pi/2

ios sprite-kit swift


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