Can WSO2 API Manager be integrated with MULE ESB? -

Can WSO2 API Manager be integrated with MULE ESB? -

we using mule esb in our infrastructure. can api manager of wso2 utilize mule esb api gateway instead of wso2 esb. if yes, can please help me steps.

i have uncertainty how accomplish throttling , rate limiting features of api manager in mule esb if replaced , how seamless integration is?

this possible due pluggable architecture of wso2 api manager, not straight forward. gateway component of api manager handles token validation, throttling, caching , mediation. of these features token validation configurable out of box external token validating component since uses web service calls since has web service interface. other 3 features require customization @ code level in order function mule esb. hence not recommended approach.

wso2 api manager can used without external esb instance out of box. best way utilize it.



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