How to retrieve branch names in a custom Git merge driver? -

How to retrieve branch names in a custom Git merge driver? -

i'm writing custom merge driver needs aware of names of branches merging. managed retrieve name of branch beingness merged (destination) git symbolic-ref head , name of branch beingness merged in (source) githead_<sha> environment variable.

# retrieve merged branch name env var githead_<sha>=<branchname> # cannot utilize sym ref of merge_head, doesn't yet exist githead=$(env | grep githead) # e.g. githead_<sha>=release/1.43 # cutting out lastly "=" sign source="${githead##*=}" # retrieve base of operations branch name sym ref of head branch=$(git symbolic-ref head) # e.g. refs/heads/master # cutting out "refs/heads" destination="${branch#refs/heads/}" echo "merging $source $destination"

is right way of doing this? particularly, retrieving source name environment variable seems flaky. note merge_head not nowadays @ point, cannot utilize same approach head.

git git-merge


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