node.js - Can we send data with redirect in node -

node.js - Can we send data with redirect in node -

i trying send info redirect as:


but got result like:

undefined redirect home

if faced problem, please help.

using framework: locomotive

yes, can utilize express-flash:

app.use(flash()); ... app.get('/redirect', function (req, res) { req.flash('info', 'flash message added'); res.redirect('/'); });

you info acessile in res.locals.messages in views in messages var.

express flash based on connect flash. uses sessions transmit messages.

if using locomotive

locomotive builds on express, preserving powerfulness , simplicity you've come expect node.


module.exports = function() { ... this.use(express.bodyparser()); this.use(express.session({ secret: 'keyboard cat' })); this.use(flash()); ... }



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