Accounting issues using PayPal with Recurring Payments -

Accounting issues using PayPal with Recurring Payments -

i know , understand when create recurring payments profile, need supply info displayed profile , it's associated transactions...


payment details item fields:

l_paymentrequest_n_namem l_paymentrequest_n_descm l_paymentrequest_n_numberm

but after supplying on first sale - need show item id , item title first sale, recurring sale of same original purchase , refund if client refunded portion of first sale or recurring sale. in short, total life cycle of customers sales of product should easy business relationship each transaction having same item id , item title.

e.g. ideal be....

customer x buys subscription , subscription b

item id , item title shown in history download

next month charged subscription , subscription b again

item id , item title shown in history download again

then cancel subscription a

next month charged subscription b again

item id , item title shown in history download 1 time again subscription b

then complains not product subscription b , wants refund

i give him refund subscription b

item id , item title shown in history download 1 time again subscription b refund

so, if item id , item title shown in history download trace 360 grade life cycle of each user , each product...making profit/loss of each product accurate downwards penny.

currently dont think paypal offer , crippling business relationship processes. have study several partners profit/loss of products each partner associated , current bookkeeping tedious line line juggling line items in excel.

the other issue should able work paypal pro , express.

please advise how accomplish

see excel screenshot:

also note non-sub products work fine. subs.



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