content management system - Smart Form changes not reflecting in site. #Ektron -

content management system - Smart Form changes not reflecting in site. #Ektron -

i have edited existing smart form in smart form configurations in settings menu. have published , updated smart form in contents folder properties. went particular content using particular smart form in cms 400 editor , can see changes. when go through page in browser still shows old smart form.unable reflect changes in browser. please help me. in advance

it help know version you're running. beingness said, there few things going on here...


frameworkapi caching might turned on, in case you'd have wait cache expiration or recycle app pool in order see updated content. caching enabled in web.config changing defaultcontainer property in section cache.

class="lang-xml prettyprint-override"><> <unity configsource="ektron.cms.framework.unity.config"/> <framework defaultcontainer="default" childcontainer="businessobjects"/> </> republish content

changes smart form definition won't trickle downwards content blocks using particular smart form. if add together field (for instance), field won't exist on content blocks unless open content block in edit mode , republish it. automatically added content block when click edit, alter won't saved until click publish.

content-management-system ektron


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