vbscript - How to list the target path of all My Network Places in vbs? -

vbscript - How to list the target path of all My Network Places in vbs? -

i want script list users network places in windows xp. there lots of examples on web show how name of each location, want target path (i.e. server name / folder link pointing at).

to name can do:

const my_network_places = &h12& set objshell = createobject("shell.application") set objfolder = objshell.namespace(my_network_places) set objfolderitem = objfolder.self wscript.echo objfolderitem.path set colitems = objfolder.items each objitem in colitems wscript.echo objitem.name next

how target path? looking @ .path gives me local path of shortcut.

use .getlink.path:

if objitem.isfilesystem wscript.echo objitem.name, " =>", objitem.getlink.path end if

vbscript wscript
