excel - How to extrapolate bucketed values into pivot table? -

excel - How to extrapolate bucketed values into pivot table? -

i need extrapolate inventory @ item level 4-week buckets between 0 , 52 weeks. have 4500 unique lines follows:

item unit weekly code description cases cost mvmnt woh bucket 595384 premium frying oil 500 $17.92 50 10 8-12 wks 546760 dark brownish sugar 650 $11.81 10 65 >1 year 598456 steam corn 330 $15.42 15 22 20-24 wks 532943 chc semi sweetness 240 $34.13 80 3 <4 wks

the first item moves 50 cases week, 500 cases in inventory represents 10 weeks on hand (woh) , falls 8-12 wks bucket. want show inventory falls, inaccurate 500 cases of premium frying oil fall 8-12 wks bucket. in reality 200 cases fall <4 wks, 200 cases fall 4-8 wks, , remaining 100 cases fall 8-12 wks bucket. want convert first line following:

item unit weekly code description cases cost mvmnt woh bucket 595384 premium frying oil 200 $17.92 50 10 <4 wks 595384 premium frying oil 200 $17.92 50 10 4-8 wks 595384 premium frying oil 100 $17.92 50 10 8-12 wks

...and repeat each item. want turn pivot table sum cases bucket.

what did create 14 columns @ end of data, 1 column each 4-week bucket , wrote formulas create running subtraction. worked, time consuming , hard repeat, hence looking different solution. please allow me know if need clarify better.

might started, or clarify requirement, assuming item code in a1:

in i2: =4*e2 (the 4-weekly movement) in j2: =int(c2/i2) (the number of rows @ total 4-weekly rate) in k2: =i2*(c2/i2-int(c2/i2)) (the value of row, if required)

all 3 formulae copied downwards suit.

but seems may improve off pivoting source info , adding calculations in resulting table.

i particular not understand "buckets between 0 , 52 weeks" in conjunction ">1 year" , don't see what/why "extrapolation" (maybe interpolation?).

excel pivot-table extrapolation
