python - AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find' -

python - AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find' -

i have set of urls,i have urls in list called list(eg @ bottom of urls page there number of pages each category.

there span element trying homecoming url.but returning nonetype error

the code have tried far

for links in full_links: mech=browser() mech.set_handle_robots(false) mech.addheaders = [('user-agent', 'mozilla/5.0 (x11; u; linux i686; en-us; rv: gecko/2008071615 fedora/3.0.1-1.fc9 firefox/3.0.1')] url=links soup=beautifulsoup(html) no_pages = soup.find('div',id="pagn") a=no_pages.find('span',{'class':'pagnlink'}) aes in a: print aes.text in elm.findall('a'): link=''+a['href'] print link

you failed include total traceback, presumably soup.find('div') phone call returned none. that page element tried find not present.

if element not found, element.find() returns none, , subsequent line tries utilize none value fail. in case no_pages none, no_pages.find() fails.

for element searches these, much easier utilize css selectors:

for page_link in'div#pagn span.pagnlink a[href]'): link = '' + page_link['href'] print link

this find links within <div id="pagn"> -> <span class="pagnlink> element tree, provided have href attribute.

this search homecoming empty loop if either div or span not present.

python beautifulsoup
