oracle11g - Casting a String to a Symbol in PLSQL -

oracle11g - Casting a String to a Symbol in PLSQL -

i've created anonymous plsql block test , i'm running issue formatting.

set serveroutput on begin in (select distinct do.subobject_name dba_objects do.object_name='my_table' , do.object_type='table partition') loop dbms_output.put_line(i.subobject_name); select t.field some_var my_table partition(i.subobject_name) t; end loop; end;

however several compilation errors, believe related fact i.subobject_name string. believe partition function wants actual partition symbol(proper term this?), can't give in loop.

is there kind of casting function can perform i'm looking for?

partition is not function. partition keyword in context whole statement static , cannot pass partition name it; partition name must specified @ compile time. you can re-create statement dynamically , pass partition name in loop - a-la doing it. create sure concatenate string , not utilize bind variables, or statement @ run time won't parsed , won't run.

name symbol table partition

plsql oracle11g
