extjs4.2 - ExtJS combobox autocomplete hitting store's URL -

extjs4.2 - ExtJS combobox autocomplete hitting store's URL -

i have combobox on view. loading info store. code combobox follows:

xtype: 'combobox', fieldlabel: 'department', store: ext.create('ugcapp.store.department'), emptytext: 'select department', allowblank: false, name: 'departmentid', displayfield: 'departmentname', valuefield: 'departmentid', flex: 1, querymode: 'local'

this code store:

ext.define('ugcapp.store.department', { extend: 'ext.data.store', storeid: "departmentlist", model: 'ugcapp.model.department', autoload: true, proxy: { type: 'ajax', url: 'localhost/ugcapplication/api/getdepartmentlist', method: 'get' } });

the issue when type within combobox. supposed list available records store. instead of behavior, whenever type letter, store's url nail , generates error @ server side. need load info within combobox store , whenever letter or word typed autocomplete should search info loaded store locally. should not nail server.

extjs extjs4.2
