Trying to get max fps from Android Camera -

Trying to get max fps from Android Camera -

i'm developing android application, , need max of fps camera.

i've been trying implement setpreviewcallbackwithbuffer can't work.

can give me illustration or explanation?

i've set timer, runs every 10 milliseconds , there run takepicture().is correct, or way max fps ?

i searched everywhere can't find explanation works me.

thank you.

edit 2:

startrecording.setonclicklistener( new view.onclicklistener() { public void onclick(view v) { if(!recording) { recording = true; thread.start(); cam.startpreview(); size previewsize=cam.getparameters().getpreviewsize(); int databuffersize=(int)(previewsize.height*previewsize.width*(imageformat.getbitsperpixel(cam.getparameters().getpreviewformat())/8.0)); cam.addcallbackbuffer(new byte[databuffersize]); cam.addcallbackbuffer(new byte[databuffersize]); cam.addcallbackbuffer(new byte[databuffersize]); cam.setpreviewcallbackwithbuffer(new previewcallback() { public void onpreviewframe(byte[] imagedata, photographic camera arg1) { seek { photos.add(imagedata); } catch(exception e) { system.out.println("error!"); } } }); } (...)

thank you!

problem #1: timer

quoting the documentation setpreviewcallbackwithbuffer():

installs callback invoked every preview frame, using buffers supplied addcallbackbuffer(byte[]), in add-on displaying them on screen. callback repeatedly called long preview active , buffers available. other preview callbacks overridden.

so, delete timer. phone call setpreviewcallbackwithbuffer() once, , called preview frames, ready processing.

problem #2: hardcoded buffer size

quoting the documentation addcallbackbuffer():

for formats besides yv12, size of buffer determined multiplying preview image width, height, , bytes per pixel. width , height can read getpreviewsize(). bytes per pixel can computed getbitsperpixel(int) / 8, using image format getpreviewformat().

if using yv12 format, size can calculated using equations listed in setpreviewformat(int).

please follow instructions, rather guessing @ buffer size.

problem #3: adding buffers

further quoting the documentation addcallbackbuffer():

adds pre-allocated buffer preview callback buffer queue. applications can add together 1 or more buffers queue. when preview frame arrives , there still @ to the lowest degree 1 available buffer, buffer used , removed queue. preview callback invoked buffer. if frame arrives , there no buffer left, frame discarded. applications should add together buffers when finish processing info in them.

call addcallbackbuffer() few buffers front, when phone call setpreviewcallbackwithbuffer(). in onpreviewframe(), arrange background thread process frame's buffer. when work done, add together same buffer pool calling addcallbackbuffer(). not maintain allocating new buffers.

android camera buffer fps


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