excel - Finding the first empty cell in a column using VBA without a loop -

excel - Finding the first empty cell in a column using VBA without a loop -

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last not empty cell in row; excel vba 3 answers

so have these 2 lines of code in vba find empty cell @ bottom of column , homecoming pointer next cell.

rowpointer = thisworkbook.sheets("current").cells(65000, 4).end(xlup).row if thisworkbook.sheets("current").cells(rowpointer, 4).formula <> "" rowpointer = rowpointer + 1

the problem searches bottom up, , need find first empty cell in column not last. i've seen few ways prepare utilize loop go through column spreadsheet i'm working rather big , loop take long time execute. question is there easy way search through column top downwards find first empty cell?

maybe like

rowpointer = sheets("current ").columns(4).specialcells(xlcelltypeblanks).cells(1,1).row

posting mobile hope works!

excel vba excel-vba
