File picking using pattern in R -

File picking using pattern in R -

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r-project filepath concatenation 1 reply passing directory path parameter in r 1 reply

i have directory having multiple files starts 001.csv, 002.csv , on. want pick files in function pass argument function. ex.

myfiles<-function(x=1:30){ // should pick files starts 001.csv till 030.csv. }

i tried using pattern matching not sure how create pattern matching using variable consists of vectors. tried using paste function paste total file path giving me file name 1.csv , not 001.csv

tt<-function(dirname,type,nums=1:30){ filenames<-list.files(dirname) c<-nums myvector<-0 for(i in 1:length(c)){ myvector[i]<-paste(dirname,"/",c[i],".csv",sep="") #print(myvector[i]) }


one way able right names pad start of numbers 0s using formatc e.g.

paste0(formatc(seq(1:30), width = 3, format = "d", flag = "0"), ".csv")



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