actionscript 3 - away3d - 2 textures on 1 plane -

actionscript 3 - away3d - 2 textures on 1 plane -

im trying create plane total (background) texture , partial (element) texture on 1 plane. partial element alter in runtime , im curious if can utilize kind of double drawing on single plane element ?

is possible ? or have create 2 planes , 1 above ?

a simple solution extend bitmaptexture , create class similar webcamtexture composite images , assign results texture's bitmapdata.

look @ update function in webcamtexure class, that's grab photographic camera bitmapdata , apply texture.

if autoupdate true update() function called uploadcontent(), similar onenterframe. manually update texture set autoupdate false , phone call update() when needed.

actionscript-3 flash away3d
