performance - How to send batches of million push notifications using Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) -

performance - How to send batches of million push notifications using Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) -

like many companies, 1 work isn't comfortable in using apple's apns: no official library, stream cut-off randomly, etc... same goes android's force system: limited little batches, different apple's apns... that's why looking alternative , when amazon claimed able send millions of force notifications free, thought sns perfect solution.

the issue have more 1 1000000 devices address, , our force campaigns target same devices. far dug, solution utilize aws api provides method create endpoints 1 @ time! big deal because after testing, figured in order create 1 000 000 endpoints, take approximately 15h (~17 calls/sec).

even after endpoints created, in order send pushes @ once, endpoints need added topic, , again, has done 1 endpoint @ time (so 15 more hours). event if multithreaded our calls let's 30 threads, still take hour!

so, tell if there missed? amazon expecting flood webservices during 30 hours in order create 1 force campaign? how can pretend send 1000000 pushes in sec if takes hours prepare it? working on batch api sns? possible plug amazon db containing tokens feed sns topic?

it looks amazon provides few methods of adding endpoints/tokens, including csv importer (but limited 2mb csv files @ time). provide api , sample java application mass uploading tokens (link).

the topic subscription point addressed amazon sns employee here, explaining there no batch api available unfortunately.

there few other 3rd party force notification providers may improve meet needs when comes creating custom segments/topics:

onesignal (disclosure: run company) mixpanel parse

performance amazon-web-services push-notification apple-push-notifications amazon-sns
