Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1 localized Application Tile Title when use WNS notification service (New Live Tiles) -

Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1 localized Application Tile Title when use WNS notification service (New Live Tiles) -

i have windows phone silverlight 8.1 project, , have localized application title appreslib project microsoft ( until here ok.

but needed add together background task update live tile, because of changed "notification service" wns, ok,not problem here, working great.

unfortunately, app gets "display name" application tile title new package.manifiest , "@appreslib.dll,-100" not working anymore. note title of app continues localized.

the new way localized application tile title app neither working, on windows phone silverlight 8.1 can not add together .resw resource files work: ms-resource:applicationtitle.

any suggestions?

thanks in advance.

it's broken in wp8.1 (see details:

localized tiles unsupported windows notification service

if windows phone 8 app uses resource files provide localized text tiles, described in how build localized app windows phone 8, tiles go on function when upgrade silverlight 8.1 long go on utilize microsoft force notification service framework app’s force notifications. default behavior when upgrading. if take instead move windows notification service, used windows phone store apps, localized text inaccessible , not displayed on tiles. info choosing force notification service app, see choosing mpns or wns windows phone silverlight 8.1 app.

silverlight windows-phone-8.1
