r - Matching one data.frame to another on specific points -

r - Matching one data.frame to another on specific points -

i'm new r, , have question think should not hard me.. hope can help me!

so have info frame multiple info points same year (observations) , have info frama 1 info point each year (modelled). want match modelled info right observational data.

observed , modelled values can seen in link beneath question!

this code used " pick out " right values modelling:

result <- matrix(nrow=length(koutiala[,1]), ncol=1) teller <- 1 if (koutiala[1,1]==5) { result[1,1] <- (store[[2]]$soil$c$totalsoilc[5]/3000000)*100 teller <- teller + 1 } for(i in seq(1, length(koutiala[,1]) , 1)) { if (i %in% unique(koutiala[,1])) { result[i] <- ((store[[2]]$soil$c$totalsoilc[i]/3000000)*100) teller <- teller + 1} else { result[i] <- na} }

now want match illustration result[5] koutiala[1]; result[6] koutiala[3]; result[8] koutiala[4] etc...

can help me this? don't want manual because dataset big!

thank much, renske


r data.frame matching
