ios - How i can open pdf into iphone for selected pdf viewer? -

ios - How i can open pdf into iphone for selected pdf viewer? -

if pdf file in mailbox, long tap pdf file , popup box list of pdf reader app's have installed. how can add together our app on there open pdf file?

with uidocumentinteractioncontroller

- (void)onopenwith:(uibutton *)thebutton path:(nsstring *)path { nsurl *url = [nsurl fileurlwithpath:path]; if (url) { self.documentinteractioncontroller = [uidocumentinteractioncontroller interactioncontrollerwithurl:url]; self.documentinteractioncontroller.delegate = self; [self.documentinteractioncontroller presentoptionsmenufromrect:cgrectzero inview:thebutton animated:yes]; } } #pragma mark - uidocumentinteractioncontrollerdelegate - (uiviewcontroller *)documentinteractioncontrollerviewcontrollerforpreview:(uidocumentinteractioncontroller *)controller { homecoming self; } - (uiview *)documentinteractioncontrollerviewforpreview:(uidocumentinteractioncontroller *)controller { homecoming self.view; } - (cgrect)documentinteractioncontrollerrectforpreview:(uidocumentinteractioncontroller *)controller { homecoming self.view.frame; }

ios iphone ios7
