Render multiple files in POV-Ray (Windows) -

Render multiple files in POV-Ray (Windows) -

i know has been asked before, none of answers helped me. problem this: have bunch of .pov files named, xxxxx000001...., , want render them, queue thing within of pov-ray lets render 500 @ time. so, there way render them automatically? know reply write script of kind, don't know lot if give me step step instructions grateful.

create pov-ray .ini file simpleanimation.ini using notepad, , in file specify number of .pov files initial_frame/final_frame. .ini file file open , run render frames. can utilize subset_start_frame/subset_end_frame duplicate .ini files when rendering subsets on multiple machines:

input_file_name="simpleanimation.pov" width=800 height=600 antialias=on antialias_threshold=0.05 output_file_type=n initial_frame=1 final_frame=124 # alter these values render subset of frames # subset_start_frame=1 subset_end_frame=124

your simpleanimation.pov file loaded 1 time per frame , in .pov file load relevant frame file want using pov-ray variable frame_number:

#if(frame_number=1) #include "simpleanimation000001.pov" #end #if(frame_number=2) #include "simpleanimation000002.pov" #end #if(frame_number=3) #include "simpleanimation000003.pov" #end

the rendered images generated names according input_file_name in simpleanimation.ini file leading zeros according number of digits in final_frame, e.g. 124 frames get:

simpleanimation001.png simpleanimation002.png ... simpleanimation124.png

file render scene povray


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