bash - sed: using a variable for command and address -

bash - sed: using a variable for command and address -

while trying write bashscript on ubuntu came across next issue:

iconname="'application:\/\/nautilus.desktop'" echo "iconname: $iconname" sedvariable=\"s/$iconname[,]*//\" echo "sedvariable: $sedvariable" settings com.canonical.unity.launcher favorites | sed ${sedvariable}

i error saying "unknown command"

sed: -e ausdruck #1, zeichen 1: unbekannter befehl: `"'

however, variable "sedvariable" looks fine this:

sedvariable: "s/'application:\/\/nautilus.desktop'[,]*//"

when entering command manually works fine

gsettings com.canonical.unity.launcher favorites | sed "s/'application:\/\/nautilus.desktop'[,]*//"

why sed not take command variable? suggestion!

please seek this

sedvariable="-e s/$iconname[.]*//" gsettings com.canonical.unity.launcher favorites | sed "$sedvariable"

bash sed


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