java - FXML scene builder invalid attribute after filling ComboBox -

java - FXML scene builder invalid attribute after filling ComboBox -

i have fxml file, tried populate combobox:

class="lang-xml prettyprint-override"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <?import java.lang.*?> <?import javafx.scene.control.*?> <?import javafx.scene.layout.*?> <anchorpane maxheight="-infinity" maxwidth="-infinity" minheight="650.0" minwidth="750.0" prefheight="700.0" prefwidth="822.0" xmlns="" xmlns:fx="" fx:controller="table.table"> <children> <menubutton fx:id="datefilter" layoutx="6.0" layouty="55.0" mnemonicparsing="false" prefheight="25.0" prefwidth="114.0" text="date" /> <combobox fx:id="descriptionfilter" editable="true" layoutx="226.0" layouty="55.0" prefheight="25.0" prefwidth="204.0" prompttext="series description"> <items> <fxcollections fx:factory="observablearraylist"> <string fx:value="1" /> <string fx:value="20" /> <string fx:value="300" /> </fxcollections> </items> </combobox> </children> </anchorpane>

but since populated it, won't open on scenebuilder , displays error:

error javafx.fxml.loadexception: invalid attribute. /c:/users/btap/workspace/tst/src/table/table.fxml:12

and won't load application:

caused by: javafx.fxml.loadexception: fxcollections not valid type. note

if remove fx:factory="observablearraylist" loads on scene builder , show warning still won't run program.

and don't quite understand since it's same way saw in many examples example1, example2, example3.

why getting error? shouldn't work?

i know how fill elements code, looking fxml solution.

you need import fxcollections class:

<?import javafx.collections.fxcollections ?>

java javafx javafx-2 fxml
