excel - paste operation fail due to many cell formats -

excel - paste operation fail due to many cell formats -

i have excel file many rows, , trying re-create severl columns file file. however, paste operation gives next error message. not clear mean , how solve it.

shown below quote microsoft website depend on excel version

in microsoft excel 2003, when format cell or range of cells, may receive next error message: many different cell formats. excel encountered error , had remove formatting avoid corrupting workbook.

in microsoft excel 2013, 2010, or 2007, files may produce next error message:excel found unreadable content in file

one solution if need values re-create , paste special values same workbook (diff sheet) , seek re-create new workbook. or same process paste without formatting using paste special.

i able reply more if new kind of info involved or kind of formatting give go , see if helps

excel ms-office


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