Windows 8 - Running .bat files from folder - Scheduled tasks -

Windows 8 - Running .bat files from folder - Scheduled tasks -

i'm in bit of pickle here. created .bat file works great in windows 7, here is:

@echo off cd ./tasks set currentdir=%cd% schtasks /create /xml "%currentdir%/scheduled restart, shutdown.xml" /tn "callcenter tasks\scheduled restart" schtasks /create /xml "%currentdir%/scheduled restart, shutdown (part 2).xml" /tn "callcenter tasks\scheduled restart part 2" exit /b 0

the .bat file on network drive. can see alter dir ./tasks within folder executed. next of set parameter %currentdir% it's current dir. :-) can run path this: "%currentdir%/scheduled restart, shutdown (part 2).xml" instead of z:/tasks/tasks/scheduled restart, shutdown (part 2).xml (a total path) can help lot in circumstances.

like said, script works great in windows 7, when running windows 8 gives me error since path incorrect. somehow, windows 8 keeps path c:/windows/system32 instead of path .bat executed.

how solve this, suggestions, ideas?

help appreciated.

seems might having problem linkedconnections feature on win8

try setting regkey , see if works:

reg add together "hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\system" /v enablelinkedconnections /t reg_dword /d 00000001 /f


windows batch-file cmd scheduled-tasks task
