scorm2004 - SCORM Content on our web server talking to LMS using LTI -

scorm2004 - SCORM Content on our web server talking to LMS using LTI -

hope doing well, wanted know if below scenario can achieved.

we have scorm bundle wanted have on our own web server , specify link in lms(blackboard,moodle). when user logs lms, should perform single sign on (with lti) , show scorm content our web server. can scorm in our web server access details of logged in user(userid,score details etc..).

i have searched , found details below

but api not free.

your own web server utilizing another, dealing user credentials, assignments, , launching of courseware tough one. these systems have runtime api manages pupil effort scorm interacts with.

there few parts of scorm back upwards you'd obtain rustici's scorm engine worth paying for.

100% scorm compatibility (1.2, 2004) i believe have .net , java implementation (uncertain php) can plug platform. if don't utilize languages i'm sure they'd grateful reply questions have on farther support. you're covered on importing pif/zip content aggregation model packages. robust ones. scorm cloud hosting negate need scorm engine (#2)

the main reason can't find much free in space (with exception of moodle) epic amount of work, , main reason find many platforms mixed back upwards of scorm. there legacy space, , aged antiquated stuff comes end.

in end have runtime, content bundle parsing, , if using scorm 2004 sequence , navigation rules. 3 things don't sound much, exhausting amount of work scratch.

hope made sense, mark

scorm scorm2004 lti
