Missing files after docker commit -

Missing files after docker commit -

i trying build docker image of application, when start container after building it, files missing.

here steps taking reproduce issue:

start new docker:

$ docker run -ti fedora /bin/sh

download , extract application bundle:

$ curl -o /tmp/kornell-api-opt.tar.gz https://s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/dist-sa-east-1.craftware.com/kornell-api-opt.tar.gz $ tar zxf /tmp/kornell-api-opt.tar.gz --warning=no-unknown-keyword -c /opt

count files:

$ find /opt/ | wc -l

this returns me count of 7739 files.

save image , start new container:

$ docker ps #copy id # (36f3cabf8ce6 run) $ docker commit 36f3cabf8ce6 craftware/kornell $ docker run -ti craftware/kornell /bin/bash

count files again

$ find /opt/ | wc -l

this returns count of 6254 files, instead of 7739 expected.

so, have happened missing files?

docker version 1.0.0, build 63fe64c/1.0.0

