From Python program to excel data -

From Python program to excel data -

we made programme on raspberry pi in python tells in how many seconds nail button. need know how process info excel sheet, or else clear. can help us?

let's you've collected timing info in list button_pushes. let's each entry in list tuple format (datetime_start, datetime_end). datetime instances can converted string in number of ways, let's you're using isoformat(). let's don't care excel format specifically, tabular info excel can read, csv.

import csv out_filename = 'timings.csv' open(out_filename, 'wb') f: author = csv.writer(f) item in button_pushes: writer.writerow(( item[0].isoformat(), item[1].isoformat(), ))

you have file, timings.csv, contains rows of when button pressed, , when released.

python excel raspberry-pi
