angularjs - Build URLs based on routes -

angularjs - Build URLs based on routes -

is there way build url based on defined angular routes? symfony (

here illustration of how used:

app.config(['$routeprovider', function($routeprovider) { $routeprovider .when('/document/:documentid', { name: 'document', templateurl: 'partials/document.html', controller: 'documentcontroller' }); }]);

then in templates utilize like:

<a href="{ $'document', {documentid: 4567}) }">view document</a>

that compiled into:

<a href="/document/4567">view document</a>

i have user $stateparams (from angular-ui-router) this.

.controller('mainctrl', function ($scope, $stateparams) { $ = $stateparams.documentid; });

ui router wiki on github

angularjs url
