Set variables from a xml with spaces on a batch -
Set variables from a xml with spaces on a batch -
i have many xml files this:
<user_metadata> <user_id>141</user_id> <user_name>julios triton x (ssg)</user_name> <status>03</status> <user_level>4</user_level> <logins>41</logins> <time_online>207</time_online> <location>dungeon 17,21,11</location> <avatar>url</avatar> <class>1</class> </user_metadata>
and utilize batch file set variables xml data, have problems when string have space, code:
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :data: %%a in (*.xml) ( set "id=" set "name=" set "location=" set "time=" /f "tokens=2 delims=>< " %%b in ( ' type "%%a" ^|findstr /i "<user_id>" ' ) set id=%%b /f "tokens=2 delims=>< " %%b in ( ' type "%%a" ^|findstr /i "<user_name>" ' ) set name=%%b /f "tokens=2 delims=>< " %%b in ( ' type "%%a" ^|findstr /i "<location>" ' ) set location=%%b /f "tokens=2 delims=>< " %%b in ( ' type "%%a" ^|findstr /i "<time_online>" ' ) set time=%%b ) echo %id% echo %name% echo %location% echo %time% pause
then result:
141 julios dungeon 207
on strings spaces "<user_name>julios triton x (ssg)</user_name>
" first value before space (julios) want string (julios triton x (ssg)), same on string <location>dungeon 17,21,11</location>
how can set total string variable?
any help appreciated, in advance!
class="lang-dos prettyprint-override">@echo off setlocal set "vars=user_id user_name location time_online" %%v in (%vars%) set "%%v=" /f "tokens=2,3delims=<>" %%a in (q24337603.txt) ( %%v in (%vars%) if "%%a"=="%%v" set "%%v=%%b" ) %%v in (%vars%) set %%v goto :eof
here's relatively easy way it. i've changed variable names convenience.
i used file named q24337603.txt
containing info testing.
user_id=141 user_name=julios triton x (ssg) location=dungeon 17,21,11 time_online=207
xml batch-file
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