c# - Unit Test Entity Framework sets connection string to bin directory instead of App_Data -
c# - Unit Test Entity Framework sets connection string to bin directory instead of App_Data -
i trying run unit tests using entity framework.
when run using debug or release set connection string so:
#if release public datacontext() : base("release") { } #else public datacontext() : base("debug") { } #endif
my connection strings in web.config like:
<connectionstrings> <add name="debug" connectionstring="data source=(localdb)\v11.0;attachdbfilename=|datadirectory|\mydatabase.mdf;initial catalog=mydatabase;integrated security=true" providername="system.data.sqlclient" /> <add name="release" connectionstring="multipleactiveresultsets=true;net=dbmssocn;server=my.site.com;database=mydatabase;user id=myuser;password=mypass;" providername="system.data.sqlclient" /> </connectionstrings>
this works great when run asp.net mvc site.
but when go run unit tests, looks in bin directory instead of using debug connection string debug database in app_data directory, if project build against debug configuration before running tests.
the error is:
system.data.entity.core.entityexception: underlying provider failed on open. ---> system.data.sqlclient.sqlexception: cannot attach file 'd:\development\projects\myproject\myproject\bin\mydatabase.mdf
why looking in bin directory instead of using app_data path defined in connection string?
the reply set info directory in app domain in test fixture setup in base of operations test class:
public class testbase { [testfixturesetup] public void setup() { var basedirectory = appdomain.currentdomain.basedirectory; var appdatadirectory = path.combine(basedirectory.replace("\\bin", ""), "app_data"); appdomain.currentdomain.setdata("datadirectory", appdatadirectory); } }
for unit-test project, datadirectory
not set automatically. seek set manually yourself:
var appdatadir = path.combine(appdomain.currentdomain.basedirectory, "../../app_data"); appdomain.currentdomain.setdata("datadirectory", appdatadir);
make sure you're invoking above code before initializing ef context.
c# asp.net-mvc entity-framework unit-testing connection-string
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